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Front-end Developer

Passionate about building reusable and maintainable components in React.

Creativity is essential. It inspires, enhances, excites, advances and improves. My focus is building responsive web apps that are driven by creativity.

About me

Be Creative Image
Empowerment through innovation and collaboration

My passion is building and deploying web apps developed using React combined with a solid grounding in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. In addition, I have derived strong programming principles from attaining a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, enabling me to apply these skills toward the completion of personal projects.

I have been working in the Print Industry for over fifteen years. Problem solving is a key component of my current role as Production Supervisor. I am constantly finding ways to automate processes, streamline workflows and empower each team member. I have built a strong, highly efficient team by encouraging innovation, promoting an agile workforce and supporting open communication.

Self development and growth are important to me. I am active in increasing my knowledge base and pushing into new and exciting opportunities.

Skills and qualifications


Bachelor of Science
Software Engineering (ECU)

Primary Skills
Visual Studio Code
VS Code
Adobe Illustrator

Resources and training

Web Development is a dynamic industry with rapidly changing technologies and tools. I utilise a number of resources to inspire and increase my knowledge base. Advancing knowledge is important to me and I embrace the opportunity for continual growth and development.

Laptop with code
W3School FreeCodeCamp Codepen Codepen Frontend Mentor CSS Tricks

My Porfolio

Projects and Designs

Profile Card
Profile Card
Profile Card
Profile Card
Profile Card
Profile Card
E-commerce React App
React Sidebar

A responsive React Sidebar component that is populated from a JSON file.

E-commerce React App
E-commerce Cards

A React App that displays a series of e-commerce cards generated from a data file. The App uses props and the map() function to iterate through an Array of Shoes and render a card for each iteration.

Volume Max Landing Page
React To Do List

A simple To Do List built with React that enables a user to add, edited and delete a list of task required for completion. The To Do List app was built and deployed to Github Pages.

Profile Card
React Profile Card

An interactive profile card built using React. The card utilises Components and Props and features an active state on hover. The Profile Card was built in VS Code and deployed to Github Pages.

JavaScript Calculator
JavaScript Calculator

A functional calculator built using JavaScript and styled using CSS3. The calculator requires JavaScript DOM Manipulation and JavaScript Math Object.

Design Select Landing Page
Design Select

This educational Landing Page was designed to appeal to young web developers. It is a place where a community of like minded people can learn, teach and discuss web technologies. Designed in Figma and built using Bootstrap 5.

Contact Me

Get in touch

Please feel free to contact me if you are interested. I am looking for opportunities to join an agile, innovative team with a culture that encourages growth and collabiration.

We can make a time to chat.

Profile Avatar

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